Thursday, June 25, 2009

Green house update

Well after a small problem with blossom end rot, sounds painful I know,
the tomatoes are going great now!

I am watering them at the same time every day and once a week with a homemade liquid feed from the courtesy of Colina my neighbour's donkey.

We picked our first 2 tomatoes today and they were yum!
Must be the donkey manure!

Other stuff is doing much better in the greenhouse too.The peppers are coming along better and the cucumbers are never ending!
Our chick pea experiment is also better than the one outdoors.

No sign of sesame seeds yet...but we wait patiently!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Getting creative

This week I have been spending some time looking at ways to add some interest into the garden.To cover up areas of garden quickly with a few plants to cut down on watering large areas.
I am not very good at this as I have difficulty thinking on a large scale.

I have used some old roofing tiles before to make the herb garden and this time have tried it to around some plants which I think looks quite effective.

I also tried making a 'pond area'.It's in it's very early stages here and looks a
little bare but with some more planting......
At the moment we have unfortunately had to place netting over the top as it's the nest building time for the paper wasps and it has been attracting them in big

But it's OK the birds still have their water dish...

My next project will be another of the round tiled design .I want to interlace 3 of them and attempt it on a much bigger scale on one of the grass areas to break it up a little......well that's if I can stand the heat at the moment!
Still no rain , almost 2 months now, dreadful....fingers and toes are crossed for next week...

Friday, June 5, 2009

Picture update of the Veggie plot

Most things in the veggie plot are happy...but some did not show at all.

The courgettes, potatoes,onions,garlic,peas,carrots,leeks,beets have all or are doing well.

However the parsnips never even sprouted! after much thought I have realised that the seeds may not have been good.I may try again but I think it might be too late now...

The outdoor peppers and tomatoes are coming along as are the aubergines and chick peas but much slower than they are in the greenhouse.

It's been too dry this year for melons and pumpkins this year but the sweetcorn is up an looking lovely and green even if it does not produce anything!