Saturday, October 13, 2007

October comes......

October is here and off we go again in the garden....
The grapes are all picked and the wine fermenting nicely in barrels in the basement.We should have over 200 litres this year almost double that of last.

This week we have been planting out the garlic, onion sets and the lettuce.The garden is looking a bit bleak in areas already.
Although some things are still going strong like the Aubergines, Peppers,Courgettes and Pumpkins this week ahead is supposed to bring our first frost so all of those will go and have to be frozen or cooked up.

The Strawberries have been spit and new beds planted.Our kind neighbour who gave us our first dozen or so plants lost all of hers this Summer in the drought period so it's lovely now for us to be able to replenish her patch with new plants from ours......