Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Vladi...from unknown to 07:09:08

In memory of little Vladi who unfortunately passed away today 07:09:08.

He will be greatly missed by all, but we know in our hearts he is in the right place now.

Sleep well our little fellow
Love always

Monday, September 1, 2008

Autumn Approaches

If you ask any Bulgarian gardener they will tell you that Autumn is truly here because of the ‘ври’ (vree) in the month, Септември (Sep-tem-vree), Октомври (Ok-tom-vree)…..
True to form this morning, the 1st September, was noticeably chillier!
Because September brings much cooler mornings and evenings.I love septemberI like to make a start on clearing up in the garden and getting organised.

In the next few months I will be planting out onions, garlic, early lettuce, fruit bushes and saplings so I have started thinking and planning for next year as to where I want these to be. The onions and garlic for instance may not be fully harvested until June next year so this, along with a suggested 3 year crop rotation, will probably decide where they will go this year.

It's also time to start thinking about the grape picking again.It is said that the beginning of September is the best time. We were lucky enough to make over 200 litres last year which kept us going through the winter....hopefully this year will be equally as successful.....this year I am going to photo the process as we go watch this space.....

The first frosts did not hit until October last year but who knows what Mother Nature has install for us this year so wherever possible I have been pulling up veg and picking the fruit and been busy freezing, pickling & drying.
If an early frost is forecast I usually watch what the neighbours are doing.
Last year I hung onto some more susceptible plants and veg by covering them with blankets or cotton sheets, it felt rather like ‘tucking’ them up for the evening with a bed time story.
Then in the morning when all signs of the frost had gone I removed their ‘bedding’ and checked that they have all had a good night.
One good thing though.. they didn't expect tea and toast for breakfast!