Monday, August 20, 2007

Before and After

About 2 months ago we dug over this area and spread it with grass seed.

The ants came and took lots of it away but after the last rain the grass has really started to come through.

It is still a bit patchy in areas but we cut it for the first time yesterday and I think by next spring we should have some decent coverage.

Monday, August 13, 2007

New lease of life...

Well the rain has done wonders for the garden!
Everything looks refreshed and revived.

The peppers, tomatoes and grapes are all pluming up nicely ...

....even the melons have started again hopefully with more luck this time.

Along with all this comes lots of work too.Everywhere is now covered with a crust of dried soil full of tiny weeds that needs breaking up...well it keeps us fit.

The wind also brought down most of the apples and guess what...we are experimenting with apple wine today.

We have picked and chopped almost 20lbs of apples added 10 litres of water and in 5 days time we will mash and strain and add the sugar.

Again I shall update on it's progress and success although I think this will be more difficult than the cherry wine...which by the way is sadly coming to an end.

Ah well there's always next year.........

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Rainy days.....

Well it has finally started to rain....which is great really but at the moment it does not look like it is going to stop!
We should not complain really but the garden took quite a battering last night and looks a little worse for ware in places but I am sure it will be fine and be better for it as temperatures are set to return to high 30's again by the end of the week.

The tomatoes and peppers held up and today I am busy in doors making pasta sauce for the Winter....which today does not seem that far away.....

Saturday, August 4, 2007


This ornate gourd has really flourished in the semi shade this year producing many little 'fruits'.

One neighbour who originally gave me the seeds last year for fun cut them in half and hollowed them out and used them for drinking their Rakia.

This year I might keep them whole and make into Christmas presents for the neighbours.They will make lovely table decorations with pine cones......maybe ....I take some pics closer to the time......

Thursday, August 2, 2007

It rained!!!!

1st August brought us the first rain in over 7 weeks!!!

It has been a really lovely day and the garden is looking a little more refreshed for it.

The grapes are swelling a little and turning purple.In another few weeks they will be ready for picking for the wine.
The crop this year is larger than last though because of the lack of rain not as full and juicy so we are unsure if we will top the 120 litres we made last year.

Other things too are enjoying the rain.The courgettes are still flowering and producing and the melons are still holding on.....

More rain is forecast this week ahead ...lets hope we get some!