Wednesday, June 13, 2007

In 30 degree heat and no rain......

This year I am experimenting with some UK seeds again.
Last year most of the seeds from the UK either failed or did very badly against the local varieties.
The courgettes were an unusual success so I am trying again.On the right are UK while on the left are local BG seeds.
Last year, and the same for this, the UK ones fruited a few days earlier however when the heat of the day gets to 30+ they seem to suffer the most.
You can see from these pics here....

UK variety below.....

BG variety holding up better in the heat....

The melons are a little slow in growing this year and will need so much water I shall probably only keep on a couple of plants.I am very late with these.I did plant out in Early May however I think it was so dry that I had not one seedling show.
This time I am trying a shadier spot and watering on alternate days....

The pumpkins are just coming through and later along with the melon seedlings I will thin to 2 plants in each grouping.

Again watering alternate days and keeping the soil around them broken up and slightly piled up.

How they all manage in these temperatures still amazes me!

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